About Ken
Ken Mason, CAEH
Ken Mason is a Certified Advanced Energy Healer who has been training, practicing and teaching in energy work and energy healing for over 20 years.
He is a graduate of the Inner Focus School For Soul Directed Advanced Energy Healing. Ken holds a Certified Advanced Energy Healer degree and Masters degree from Inner Focus. Soul Directed Advanced Energy Healing provides a direct experience into where energetic disharmonies are held. This allows an access to wisdom held within the different parts of your personality and within the body itself physically and on its energetic levels to enable transformation. Ken is fully trained and extensively experienced in all of the numerous healing modalities of the Inner Focus School that do all this and more.
His experience with the depth, richness and diversity of these techniques enable you to achieve the profound levels of change you seek. He is deeply passionate about being able to facilitate this wondrously transformative work. He regards each session as a sacred collaboration which honors each client's unique circumstance.
Ken is also a practitioner of Reiki energy healing. He is a graduate of the Awakening Your Light Body program of Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer. He has studied with Drunvalo Melchizedek, completing the Flower of Life, Earth-Sky, Images of the Heart programs and, most recently, the Awakening The Illuminated Heart course.
Ken maintains a private energy practice in the Chicago area that includes virtual and telephone sessions for clients located at a distance.